The electronic live duo, comprising Egyptian-Canadian talents, Husa & Zeyada, have just introduced their latest single titled ‘Release The Beast,’ following the triumph of their debut album, ‘Long Way Home,’ which hit the shelves back in November 2022.
The highly awaited track, ‘Release The Beast,’ has been reverberating across the globe over the past year during their live performances, generating an intensified buzz in renowned venues worldwide. From the SunsetStrip in Buenos Aires to the Grand Factory in Beirut, and from Katerblau & Fusion in Germany to Groove on the Grass & Soho Garden in Dubai, the duo’s electrifying sets have graced stages in Azimuth, Saudi Arabia, Mutek & Stereo in Montreal, and Sandbox in Egypt.
Having concluded their journey with ‘Long Way Home,’ the duo now appears poised to embark on a fresh expedition, delving deeper into their fictitious universe. This time, they invite their audience to unleash and express their inner beasts. The track challenges listeners to surrender to their heartbeats while synchronizing with the collective rhythm pulsating through the dance floor.
At its essence, the song transports you to an enigmatic realm through a whimsical theatrical performance, coaxing your inner beast to break free from its confines and transcend its boundaries. ‘Release The Beast’ is a fierce composition, boasting a protracted intro infused with haunting melodies, mesmerizing percussions, and bold guitar riffs. “Release The Beast calls upon your inner beast to break free from its confines and limitations,” remarks Adam Husa.
The narrative will unfold visually as the song is set to accompany the rest of the album in 2024, presented in the form of a short film. This cinematic journey will offer a glimpse into the enchanting world crafted by Husa & Zeyada. Stay tuned for further updates on the film’s release later this year. In the meantime, catch the duo as they traverse the globe, with upcoming performances including the 10th-anniversary celebration of Sandbox Festival in Egypt on May 18th. Additionally, you can catch them across Europe, gracing events such as Sparklers Festival in France, Bucht De Traumer in Germany, Infinity Beach Mamaia in Romania, and Soundscape Festival in Istanbul.
Listen to ‘Release The Beast’ below and download your copy here.